Thursday, May 29, 2008

the begining of my testimony...

A Long Time Coming but It Came...

After returning from a two year trip to London, England I decided to become a writer. I made up my mind to pursue the one thing that I've loved doing since I was young (I began writing my first book when I was 12).

It took a lot of work and a LOT of applications (and prayers!) but I finally got a position as a writer for AMOI Magazine. This month's issue features not just one article by me, but four and my book section contributions. Some of you guys might know that AMOI asked me to become their Book Section Editor and this was even before I began working in the publishing industry (I've been working full-time for a book publishing company for two months now).

Long story short: God is Great and worthy to be praised! Amen

You all (in Canada) need to go out and get this issue of AMOI! Available everywhere...Shoppers Drugmart, Zellers, Walmart, Chapters...

and God willing I will have some more big news regarding my writing before the end of 2008

Stay Blessed and Remember to Chase Your Dreams..not the money!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Employing Patience

We know the promises but it's so hard to believe them.

Consider the following dialogue between my spiritual being and my human being:

  • All things work together for good
  • So then why am I working somewhere that doesn't use all my talents and that I hate?
  • For God's glory
  • How does God get glory from me suffering
  • In His time your mourning will turn to gladness
  • Why is His timing so delayed, I'm suffering now
  • Count it all joy when you fall into various trials
  • Why, Why me, Why now, Why?
  • The testing of your faith produces patience
  • So?
  • Let patience have its work so that you will be mature and complete, LACKING NOTHING (James 1)

We all talk to ourselves but when we are in turn with the holy spirit our spiritual being alway prevails and we are persevere.

Patience is the key to us getting all that we desire in the will of the Lord. Remember the reason for which you go through something may not be known to you, but He knows and it will alway be for your good and His Glory.