Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I'm still going through...

Yes I have a great roof over my head, I'm healthy, I work but I don' t have what I've been searching for. I've been seeking a full time job in communications all year...I've been searching for a full-time job with good pay for even longer. But yet I have not found.
I still hold on to the fact that His word says He shall supply all my needs (Phil 4:19). His word says if I seek I shall find, ask and I will receive, ask and it will be given unto ME.

I remember in November when I was coming home from a shift at my part time retail job I decided to stop at a grocery store and treat myself. I had $5 on me and I bought a marked down salad and a frozen dinner. I was happy. I came home listening to Kirk Franklin's He Will Supply from his The Fight of My Life Album. As I turned the key to my apartment I was absorbing the lyrics. I knew that God would make a way for me to pay rent and support myself off my meager wages. The second I opened the door, with the song still blaring in my ears I found out I was robbed. Just moments before I came in, someone made off with what little I had; laptop, camera, glasses, sewing kit and my wallet.

What did I do? With in seconds I dropped to my knees and prayed. I don't know what I said but I'm sure the spirit interceded on my behalf.

That was November 27, 2008 and I still here now. I've almost officially replaced everything the enemy literally stole from me except for my prescription glasses. And God has done all of that for me without me working that full-time job that I wanted. Now, I have a lot of expenses coming up but I won't fear. I will only believe (Mark 5:36). My God is great and he shall supply all of my needs according to His riches and glory in Christ.

It is well

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