Sunday, November 25, 2007

What does it mean to be assertive?

When we pray, If we believe, God will do it (Matt 21:22). It's a powerful statement if we think about it. We as Christians have the ability to be receive everything we ask for in prayer. So then why don't we. Why is it that our prayers, in our minds, come back void?

There are a few reason such as we haven't asked for forgiveness for our sins and we are asking amiss but what about this reason; we're not assertive enough.

That's a new one. Assertive? It means to be firm, forward and confident. Are you firm in the word? Are you moving forward as if God will answer your prayer? Are you confident that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose? These are things to ponder when you don't see you answer.

But while waiting just remember, God's time is the best time.

Be Blessed Saints


Monday, November 12, 2007

Love is Love

How can you describe love? With love. Love is all around us and love is what we should be striving to share in every way, everyday. Just a thought.

Read 1 Cor 13 to be reminded of how love is.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

He knows what I'm going through

When you feeling like you're alone and God isn't with you listen to Smokie Norful's I Understand to get insight on what God is saying to you.

He is with us ALWAYS and LOVE US more than we can know. I've been down and upset that my life as a child of God isn't better. It's a biblical fact that we will go through fire (ie. Job) but that will never mean that God isn't there. It means that he is preparing us for Himself (from I Understand).

It's a beautiful thing when you are down and God sends you a pick me up. Image, maybe if you always had good times you wouldn't see God's little blessings.

Just remember when you are down that He knows why. Don't try to get out of it prematurely (James 1:2-4). Realize that it's 'not by might nor by power, but by His Spirit,' (Zech 4:6)

Stay Blessed!