Monday, October 26, 2009

Testimony: Comfort for the jobless

I'm watching Living Single reruns on Youtube and some random movies online. I've been off for a week. I've gotten some things done but on Friday, my fifth day off, I did nothing. I temped for a day and a half during that week but on Friday while fasting I just watched T.V. online while in bed and T.V. in the living room. Then there was revival at church. I forced myself to renew my spirit and my thoughts about being off. It's messed up because only being away from work (a permanent position) for a week and already people are grouping me into the hopeless and jobless category.

But I have faith and proof that God can do it and will do it for me again. I had a wonderful three month position making $21/hr. Is there anything God can't do?

So I am not counting myself amongst those who have lost hope. I know I will be working again, soon.

The thing is that I don't know how to articulate my faith to my friends who are in the same position.

I am writing out right here some tips on how to not go mental while job searching.

  • Have Faith-pray to God for strength to be patient and know that your position is on the way
  • Know your worth-write out what you want and what you deserve
  • Do activities you like daily- ie. watch a show
  • Be diligent- everyday, only for an hour or so, look/apply for jobs
  • Assess- look at your progress daily, weekly and ask where do I want to be and how do I get there
  • Constantly look for new leads- stalk out the places you want to work for

I had a lot more to say when I first starting writing this but I think those points summarized what I've learned.

Monday, October 19, 2009

the ship is going through the storm...AGAIN

I wish it was all over. Technically it is. If I have faith it is. I off from my wonderful job. My position got cut short. I got caught up in the fact that someone there said I would be there for at least three months. I started doing my budget and planning my shopping trip. I gave thanks to God and wrote out my testimony and splat. It all came crashing down. I got 24 hours notice and then I was unemployed again.

I have nothing but faith that I will be working again by the end of the week if not sooner. This has happened before so I need to just trust Him. Today I have errands to run so I'm grateful for a business day off. and I'll wait for my position to come.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Deeper Understanding of God's Love

I came across an article by Sheeri Mitchell and received revelations from it. Here are some excerpts:

Once married, I understood the type of intimacy God wants with us. I understood from experience why he uses the metaphor of marriage to describe his relationship to us. I understand why he calls himself a jealous God. I understand how he “aches” (for lack of a better word) to be in relationship with us, for us to be as preoccupied with him as he is with us. I understand how he continually gives good gifts over and over to woo us to himself and how it breaks his heart when we reject him. I get it

There is nothing I hold back from my Father in heaven. Have you ever been so grateful to someone for something (s)he has done for you that you just want to show that person – demonstrate to that person – your appreciation by offering your best?

...the biggest benefits of all are that in a God-ordained marriage, done God’s way, you have the best opportunity to discover your own humanity and to experience the nature of your Creator.

...I now know that true love flows in only one direction – outward to others. Armed with this knowledge, I purpose to become as pure a vessel as possible for that love to flow through me.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


All I want is some ribs, corn bread, mash potatoes, candied yams, mac and cheese followed by sweet potato pie and a slice of red velvet cake. And if as if that's not a lot, some catfish and hush puppies.

I don't know if this craving is the result of me fasting at least twice a week since July or even because I am fasting today. I haven't been able to do work either. I am just here waiting for 6pm to come around so I can have some food.

This is not what fasting was created for. I have prayed and read my devotion. I've even had a deep convo with God. Sad thing is the lack of food is reeking havoc on my memory so I'm not sure what revelations I had with the Lord.

I know my next fast will be better though...they have to be.
I am fasting, twice a week minimum until the end of the year. Ball park, that'll be over 40 fasts in the second half of the year alone.

I want to make sure that I'm not doing it to just do it. I catch myself saying that this is pointless. Not because He is not hearing me but because He has so why am I putting my body and mind through the agony of not eating?

Maybe it's to show my desire. Funny though, because technically I'm not fasting for me. It's for my new church (don't remember if I've mentioned this...ooh the fast). They need $2 million by the end of the year to buy the church. So basically this is for "the building fund" [insert Steve Harvey joke here]. And know God is going to do it, I can feel it for some reason. I pledged $2000 even before I had a job much less one that pays over 40,000 a year. Then God got me a contract position the week after I pledged. I've been working ever since. It literally came from nowhere. If He did that I know that He has done it for the church even if it's for the amount of $2 million. Hey, $2000 might as well have been $2 million when I was jobless and fresh from a European vacation with an AMEX full of debt.

Where was I? It's the fast. All I know is that next year, oh wonderful and sweet next year, fasting will not be used liberally. Yes, I want to keep going to newer heights of faith but maybe I'll try 4am devotions (I haven't been able to that consecutively ever--I'm mean get out of bed prayers too, not just under the covers).

I just want food. BUT Lord, this is a big thing I am seeking You for. I want to know that no matter the outcome, I sought you earnestly and diligently.


1.5hrs left...